チャリティーダンスパーティー 【Noblesse Oblige】にゲスト出演
昨年に続き、今年もホテルペニンシュラ東京において、チャリティーダンスパーティー 【Noblesse Oblige】にゲスト出演させて頂きました。
Following last year’s event, we were again invited to perform as guests at the “Noblesse Oblige” charity dance party at the Hotel Peninsula Tokyo.
Thank you very much for inviting us to participate in this wonderful event.
During the performance, we also had a chance to show our costumes made of antique kimono over 100-year-old, and a part of the new collection of “Be-Eiko” which will be presented this fall.
Please take a look!
Design by Be-Eiko
Collaboration artists by Abe Scara, Owada Izumi
Photo by Sato Shusei